Get Rid Of All Your Annoying Email Problems For Good By Migrating To The BEST Email Platforms In The World.
Can you imagine running your business without sending or receiving emails?
I bet you can’t.
Emails have become a vital component of our everyday lives.
And your business, too.
Without email, your employees wouldn’t be able do their jobs effectively – and you couldn’t even run your business!
Email is crucial for your organization.
But it’s often a PAIN to deal with.
Does Your Email Drain Your Productivity (And Cause You Headaches)?
The sad reality is that most small businesses use email tools that are outdated (like Microsoft Exchange) and are more of a burden than a blessing to their organization.
They break down all the time.
Clutter their email inboxes constantly with spam.
Can only be accessed during working hours or while in the office.
Or just don’t work when they need them most.
The result?
- You constantly get interrupted dealing with email problems.
- You and your employees waste HOURS of your valuable time messing around with your email that could be spent being productive instead.
- Critical emails between team members and clients get lost in the disorganized mess of their inboxes.
- And you miss out on (or don’t receive) important emails without even knowing it.
Sounds familiar?
If you’re sick and tired of dealing with constant email problems causing unnecessary headaches and draining the productivity out of your organization, I’ve got good news for you.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Email Has Been Perfected – So Use The Best Solutions Out There.
Email is a common tool that everybody uses.
And smart technology companies have perfected amazing email solutions that work exactly the way you want them to.
They are cheap. Easy to use. And simple to set up.
So – don’t reinvent the wheel and use outdated or custom email software that’s gonna cause you trouble.
Just use the best email solutions that are PROVEN to work the way you want.
These top-of-the-line email tools can be accessed anywhere and at any time.
Your employees can access their email at work, at home, or even on the go – on their laptops, tablets or their phones. They work on ANY device and any operating system (and automatically syncs your emails between all the devices you use).
Instead of running on expensive email servers in your office, these tools use high-quality, state-of-the-art servers in a remote location, professionally monitored, maintained and taken care of by professionals around the clock.
This means that you won’t have to invest in expensive hardware or email servers yourself.
And your emails are safe and secure and always accessible, reducing the likelihood of your email breaking down on you to almost zero.
Your supplier backs up your emails securely for you to multiple reliable servers without requiring your attention, so you’re never at risk of your system breaking down (and losing important emails with clients or employees in the process.)
These email tools come equipped with the best spam filters that automatically detect and remove spam emails from your inbox, so you’ll only receive the emails that matter to you (without having to sift through spam).
But it does more than just provide you with reliable email.
You’ll also get access to calendar and contacts integrations, allowing you to easily share and sync appointments and contact information with your employees when you want to.
The best part?
Not only do these email tools work better than what you’re probably currently using.
These solutions are surprisingly cheap, too.
In fact – they’re most likely cheaper than the current email solution you’re using right now!
We’ll Help Your Company Transition To The Best Email Tools – Without A Problem
Transitioning your business to a new email platform can be hard if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Luckily – we do.
Our Email Migration Service helps your organization smoothly transition to the best email tools for you.
We’ll help you migrate your organization’s email from the platform you’re currently using to the best email platforms out there.
It doesn’t matter which email platform you’re currently using. Whether it’s Microsoft Exchange, shared hosting accounts, or anything else – we can help.
We’ll safely migrate your email to Google Apps or Office 365, which are the most state-of-the-art email platforms you could use.
We’ll move over all your old and archived emails from your current platform to the new platform – so you can read any email you’ve received or sent in the past.
And we’ll also make sure that you’ll receive new emails on your new platform instead of the old one.
It’s a smooth and simple transition that’ll make your email problems a thing of the past.
Here’s How It Works
No matter what your current situation is, we can smoothly transition your email to the best platform for your organization.
We use our proven process to make that transition as smooth as possible.
Here’s how it works:
Step #1: We Analyze Your Current Email Problems & Technical Setup
First, we’ll have to figure out what your current email setup is like.
We’ll sit down for a conversation with you and your key employees to learn what the current email problems are that you are facing.
You can tell us in detail about every email problem that annoys, distracts or frustrates you.
Next, we’ll ask you how you’d ideally want your email to work in your organization, so we know what we’re aiming for.
Then, we’ll take a detailed look at the technical setup of your current email platform.
We’ll look at the configuration of your email setup and how the emails are currently flowing through your systems, so we can replicate the way it works on the new technology.
Step #2: We Identify Your Email Users
Next, we need to know who all the email users in your organization are.
We’ll look at the list of email users that’s currently in your system. Then, we’ll sit down with you to go over that list and see which people are still active in your organization and should get an email address, and which people are no longer with your company and should be deleted from the system.
Once we have a full set of users, it’s time to get to work.
Step #3: We Migrate Your Old Emails To The New Platform
We’ll choose the email platform that’s best suited for your needs, and migrate all your old emails over to the new platform.
We have automated systems that do this securely and quickly, making sure no important emails get lost in the process.
Step #4: We Create Email Users In New System
We’ll set up all the email accounts for the users we’ve identified, and verify that they can get access properly to their accounts.
We’ll create temporary passwords for all accounts, and send these over to each of your email users.
All your employees and team members will login in their new accounts with their temporary passwords, and will immediately be prompted to create new, unique and secure passwords so nobody can get unauthorized access to your emails.
Step #5: We Push The New Email System Live
Now that we’re sure everything works correctly, we’ll activate the new email platform.
We’ll make sure that all new emails will be received in the new system instead of the old one within 48 hours
We’ll run a final test to check whether everything works the way it should, and then move to the next step.
Step #6: We Instruct Your Organization On How To Use The New System.
Once we verify that everything works correctly, we’ll send all your email users easy-to-follow documentation instructing them how to set up the access to their email addresses on their laptops, tablets and phones and how to use the new email system effectively.
In case of questions, confusions or problems, you can immediately contact our support staff that will be on standby during the entire process.
Plus, Save Money, Too!
Not only do these email platforms work better than what you’re currently using.
They’re also surprisingly cheap.
When you use our email migration service, we’ll charge a one-time transition fee that depends on the size of your business and your current setup. On top of that, you’ll have to pay a fixed small operating expense to your new email provider.
For most businesses, switching over to Google Apps or Office 365 will cut their annual email costs in half!
You will probably save a lot of money in the long run as well.
To find out what the exact price is for your organization is, get in touch with us to get a quote.
Want To Get Rid Of Annoying Email Problems Once And For All?
Then try out our Email Migration Service now!
Stop overpaying for outdated solutions that break down on you, are annoying to use and cause you headaches and lost emails.
Switch over to the best email platforms in the world – and save money while doing it.